11 дек, 08:48
Sea food is not only a delight for the taste buds, but is also becoming a valuable source of health and youthfulness, new research shows. Besides the known benefits for memory, brain activity, skin and heart, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are found to be able to slow down the aging process of cells.
American scientists, led by Dr. Ramen Farzaneh Far, conducted a study revealing that omega-3 fatty acids found in marine fish have a direct impact on prolonging cell life. These omega-3 acids, in addition to their known benefits in preventing heart disease, also slow down DNA damage to the end portions of chromosomes known as telomeres.
Telomeres play an important role in maintaining the health of the chromosome end sites in cells and determining their lifespan. Telomeres shorten each time a cell divides, and their short length puts DNA at a vulnerable position to possible diseases.
A study conducted on 608 patients with cardiovascular disease found that those who took omega-3 acids for 5 years had longer telomeres compared to those who consumed less of these beneficial fatty acids. Increasing omega-3 levels by 32% slowed telomere shortening.
The results of experiments on rats are also impressive: in animals that consumed food rich in omega-3, life expectancy increased by a third. All this confirms that omega-3 fatty acids from marine fish may play an important role in protecting against premature cell aging.
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