21 ноя, 08:48
Breakfast is not just a meal, it is a key moment that is programmed by the metabolism for the whole day ahead. Some people underestimate its importance, forgetting that after a normal breakfast there is energy, and refusal to eat it can cause accelerated deposition of subcutaneous fat, reduced productivity and increased irritability.
Often people neglect breakfast, not realizing that it is the first step to a new day. However, not all food is equally beneficial. American nutritionists recommend avoiding certain foods that are often part of the morning diet.
Sausage sandwiches: Processed meats are high in nitrates, which can contribute to the development of cancerous tumors. Avoiding nitrates is especially important in the morning, when your stomach is not yet protected from harmful chemical compounds.
Sugary cereals: These foods, full of sugar and "fast" carbohydrates, can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, which can then lead to a desire to eat even more sweets and make it difficult to avoid fatty foods for lunch.
Pancakes with sweet syrup: Sweeteners and jams used to make pancakes are often unhealthy and calorie-dense. Fructose, the main ingredient, can lead to cancer and diabetes.
Cookies and donuts: A breakfast based on white flour products can lead to obesity and diabetes. Consuming sweets in the morning can cause many problems.
Yogurts: Despite their usual health benefits, many yogurts contain excessive sweeteners and preservatives. A good alternative is cottage cheese or non-fat yogurt.
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