19 ноя, 08:48
When working on improving your figure, do not rush to give up eating chocolate, because this sweet can actively fight fat deposits and contribute to weight loss. Spanish researchers said that in the body of adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, who regularly use chocolate, accumulates less fat than in the body of their peers who do not use this sweet or do it very rarely.
Sweets and weight loss are seemingly incompatible things. However, recent studies conducted at the University of Granada and scientists from the University of California have shown that quality chocolate can be a useful ally for those who dream of a slim figure.
Teenagers aged 12 to 17 years old who regularly consumed chocolate were able to keep their fat levels lower than their peers who did not include this sweet in their diet or did so rarely.
The study was conducted with teenagers from nine countries in the European Union. Scientists found an interesting pattern: frequent consumption of high-quality chocolate is associated with a more active metabolism, including the process of burning fat. This means that chocolate helps speed up metabolism, which can help in the fight against excess weight.
It's important to note that the study focused specifically on high-quality chocolate, which is high in cocoa and low in sugar. Dark chocolate varieties rich in antioxidants are preferred in this context.
Thus, chocolate, included in the diet wisely and combined with an active lifestyle, can be an unexpected ally for those who seek weight loss and are concerned about their health. This discovery may please all lovers of this sweet joy, who previously thought that chocolate and slimness were mutually exclusive.
However, as with any product, it is important to observe the measure and consume chocolate in reasonable quantities. Quality chocolate with a high cocoa content can be added to your diet, but that doesn't mean it should be consumed in unlimited quantities.
Chocolate, with its unique properties and potential to influence metabolism, can be not only a delicious treat, but also a useful tool for achieving a slim figure. It is important to keep in mind the quality of the product and a reasonable measure to really get the health and appearance benefits of chocolate.
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