Caring for a baby: six basic procedures for a happy start

16 ноя, 15:28

Caring for a newborn baby is an important stage that requires care and attention. Young moms learn the necessary skills while still in the maternity hospital, where the nursing staff is ready to help and give advice. However, the support of a doctor or an experienced friend can also be invaluable. Let's take a look at the basic newborn care procedures.

Head massage. Baby shampoo with a neutral pH is suitable for rinsing long hair. If there is seborrheic crust, you can use vegetable oil before bathing and then gently remove with a brush or comb.

Eye cleansing. The infant's eyes are washed with a cotton disk soaked in boiled water. To prevent infection, it is important to move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. If there is discharge, you can use a decoction of chamomile or consult a doctor.

Cleaning the spout. Clean the spout only if the crusts interfere with breathing and sucking milk. This is done with oil moistened with a cotton swab.

Cleaning the ears. The baby's ears can be cleaned with cotton swabs with stoppers, paying attention to the ear canals and ear curls.

Nail trimming. Use miniature baby nippers or scissors with rounded ends to safely trim nails on hands and feet. This is best done when the baby is asleep.

Warm bath. After healing of the umbilical wound, bathing the baby is carried out daily. The temperature of the water in the tub should be 36.5-37.5 ° C. Pay attention to the comfort of the water and the bathing process to create a positive experience for your baby.

By following these six simple procedures, you will provide proper and caring care for your baby, creating a favorable environment for his health and development.

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