27 окт, 13:00
The outbreak of hepatitis A in Vinnytsia region continues to gain momentum, and 84 patients have been diagnosed with this dangerous disease. This information was announced by Health Minister Oleh Lyashko during a national telethon.
"We have sent an additional team of national-level epidemiologists to Vinnytsia to determine the source [of infection]. We understand that it will be related to the waterborne route of transmission, but until the route of transmission is established and confirmed, we are conducting an epidemiological investigation," Lyashko said.
According to the Ministry of Health, out of 100 people hospitalized under suspicion of hepatitis A, 81 have been confirmed, including 15 children. All victims are receiving appropriate medical care.
The exact causes of the hepatitis A outbreak, such as mass events or consumption of the same foods, have not yet been established. It is known that all the patients live in different parts of Vinnytsia city and in the region.
Specialists of the Vinnytsia Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention continue to study the water and environment of the outbreak area, including virological, bacteriological and sanitary-chemical studies.
Efforts are underway to identify contact persons who may have been exposed to the infection, as well as to interview patients to determine the source of infection.
Hepatitis A is a viral disease that attacks the liver and can manifest itself in both mild and severe forms. The virus is transmitted through contaminated food or water, poor personal hygiene, and in families when an infected person prepares food for all family members.
To prevent foodborne transmission, it is important to follow good hygiene practices when preparing food and handling vegetables and fruits. It is recommended that you avoid drinking water from unknown sources and always boil unbottled water before drinking.
It is extremely important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after using the toilet, before eating and after contact with garbage to avoid infection with this serious virus.
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