22 окт, 08:48
Nasolabial folds are one of the signs of aging that many people would like to avoid. In this article, we will look at exercises and techniques to help smooth out nasolabial folds and keep your skin looking young.
1. Upper lip exercise: This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in the nasolabial folds area. Open your mouth, creating an "O" shape. Lower your upper lip to your teeth and smile while moving only your upper lip. Try to lift your head upward with each smile. Tap your fingers on either side of your nose up and down. Continue this exercise until muscle fatigue appears along the nasolabial folds. Repeat it twice a day or more often if the folds are very pronounced.
2. Self-tongue massage: Another way to smooth out your nasolabial folds is through tongue massage. Make circular movements with your tongue along the line of your nasolabial folds. Repeat this exercise 15 times clockwise and 15 times counterclockwise on one side, then repeat the same on the other side. Do this massage in the morning and evening.
3. Facial Massage Course: A facial massage course can be an effective treatment for nasolabial folds. A professional massage therapist can help you relax your muscles and improve blood circulation, which helps smooth out the folds.
It is important to remember that the results of exercise and massage can show up after a few weeks of regular exercise. Also, see a professional for guidance and an evaluation of your situation.
By following these tips and practicing the exercises, you can fight nasolabial folds and remain charming for years to come.
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