19 окт, 08:48
We all want to have healthy and youthful looking skin. However, sometimes we don't have to go far to find a remedy to improve the condition of our skin. Pear is a fruit that can serve as a natural remedy for skin rejuvenation, and it has even found its place in industrial cosmetics. We can also use the pear at home to create masks and lotions that will revitalize and refresh our skin.
One way to use pear for skin care is to fight freckles. A ripe pear can be mashed and get a juice that can be applied to the facial skin. For dry skin, this juice can be mixed with milk powder until it is the consistency of mush and left on the face for 15-20 minutes. This not only helps in whitening the skin, but can also be helpful for skin blemish problems.
For dry skin in winter, a mask made from grated pear, sour cream and grapefruit juice can provide moisture and nourishment. This mask should be left on the face for half an hour and then washed off with warm water.
Pear juice is suitable for caring for all skin types. Masks and lotions based on pear make the skin smooth and supple, and can also shrink pores. The pulp of ripe pear pulp can be applied on the face for 20 minutes and then rinsed off with warm and then cold water.
There is also a recipe for normal to oily skin. Using the pulp of the pear, you can prepare a mask by adding whipped proteins. Apply this mask on your face and leave it on. This mask has properties that help to reduce skin fatigue and boost your mood.
Pear is not only a delicious fruit, but it is also a great natural remedy to improve the condition of your skin.
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