17 окт, 08:48
Ideal appearance is often associated with an oval face and even skin. However, few women can boast such flawless features. Cosmetics, in turn, gives us the opportunity to visually change any part of the face, emphasizing its advantages and hiding "flaws". In this article we will consider how to apply makeup correctly to create the perfect look.
The first and key step in creating the perfect makeup look is primer. Primer, or makeup base, equalizes the texture of the skin, ensuring the durability of all subsequent cosmetics - foundation, concealer, blush, powder and shadow.
The question of the necessity of using foundation remains controversial. Some women choose it to give their skin a uniform color, while others prefer correctors to mask specific flaws.
Correctors are an essential element of makeup. They are designed to hide red pimples, blemishes, rashes and other imperfections. Correctors come in different colors, each of which solves its own problem: green hides redness, pink - blue circles under the eyes, pink and purple - yellowing, and white is used to even out the texture of the skin.
Highlighter is a magical tool for highlighting certain parts of the face and creating volume. It helps to make the makeup more expressive and bright.
Blush is not only shades of pink, but also dark blush, which is used to smooth out sharp angles and give the face a perfect oval shape.
And of course, let's not forget about eye pencils. They help to emphasize the shape of the eyes and achieve visual perfection.
Create the perfect makeup at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the basic principles and practice. It is necessary to strive to create an oval shape of the face, emphasizing the advantages and hiding flaws. At the same time, it is important not to forget about blending, so that the makeup looks natural.
So, dare to experiment with makeup and achieve the perfect look that will emphasize your individuality and beauty.
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