15 окт, 08:48
It has long been known that chocolate is not only a delicious treat, but also a valuable ingredient for skin care. Hidden in its composition are caffeine and powerful antioxidants that help maintain skin elasticity and health. Chocolate-based cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular, but you can easily prepare such a mask right at home. You will only need a few affordable ingredients: honey, cocoa powder and oats.
The process of creating your chocolate mask:
Grind the oats in a blender until they become flour. This step will only take a couple minutes.
In a glass container, thoroughly mix the oat flour, honey, and cocoa powder. As a result, you will get a thick mass, saturated with useful components.
Put the resulting mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds to heat it. Such a small treatment will make the mask even more pleasant for the skin.
Application of the mask:
Now that your chocolate mask is ready, apply it to your face and neck skin using circular massaging motions. It is important to avoid the eye area.
After applying the mask, wait for 10 minutes - during this time, it will dry completely and start giving your skin its beneficial properties. You can leave the mask on your face for another 20 minutes to maximize the results.
After the time specified for the mask, wash it off with warm water. The result will be a skin saturated with antioxidants and moisturized thanks to honey, a feeling of amazing freshness and radiance.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/556238.html
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