03 окт, 08:48
Every girl dreams of healthy, beautiful and well-groomed nails. Today, beauty salons offer many procedures to improve the condition of nails, but not all of them are really useful. Nail extensions, for example, can lead to their weakening and damage. In addition, the services of professionals can be quite expensive. However, do not despair, you can take care of your nails at home.
Fruit acids are an important component of nail care products, and among them grapefruit stands out for its rich composition of useful substances. The white pulp of grapefruit under the peel contains acids that can strengthen nails, soften the cuticle and restore their health 100%.
You can use a piece of grapefruit peel to strengthen your nails. Rub the nail plate starting from the tip of the nail and moving towards the base of the nail. This simple and effective procedure should be performed daily until perfect results are achieved. It is also considered beneficial to pound the tip of the nail into the white pulp of a grapefruit to give it extra strength.
Don't forget the impact of proper nutrition on the condition of your nails as well. Foods rich in calcium such as milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheeses also contribute to nail health. By paying attention to care and nutrition, you will be able to enjoy beautiful and healthy nails at no extra cost.
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