29 сен, 15:28
Preparing for the arrival of a newborn baby is always accompanied by many questions about how best to care for the baby. One such question is whether to swaddle or not? This dilemma can be a difficult choice for parents, and to help you make an informed choice, let's take a look at the history of swaddling, its pros and cons.
From the history of swaddling
Since ancient times, people have sought to provide newborns with protection from cold and heat by wrapping them in large pieces of cloth, which is similar to modern diapers. This was the beginning of swaddling, and the history of the practice is rich.
Ancient Greece and Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) believed that tight swaddling was necessary for the healthy growth of infants. Ancient Rome also used diapers. But in 23-79 A.D. there were physicians who opposed swaddling, among them Pliny the Elder. He considered swaddling unnatural for humans, but then his opinion was not widespread.
Up until the 19th century, mandatory tight swaddling was the practice in many countries. Later, tight swaddling was gradually abandoned, but free swaddling continued to exist. In modern realities on the territory of our country, free swaddling is still widespread.
Swaddle or not?
There are several arguments in favor of swaddling:
Savings: Swaddling is cheaper than baby clothes, which is relevant, given the frequent change of sizes during the growth of the infant.
Improved sleep: Many babies sleep more peacefully when swaddled, as they are not awakened by hand movements.
Cozy and protected: Swaddling creates a sense of coziness and security for your baby, which can be important for their comfort.
Preventing finger sucking habits: Swaddling can help prevent finger sucking habits, which can affect bite formation.
Prevent uncovering in sleep: Swaddling helps your baby maintain body position while sleeping and prevent uncovering.
However, modern medical professionals generally do not recommend swaddling babies because of the risks associated with this practice. If you do decide to swaddle, experts advise preferring loose swaddling, as tight swaddling can restrict baby's movements and increase the risk of hip dysplasia.
Cons of swaddling:
Problems in the heat: Swaddling is not recommended in hot weather, as you can easily overheat an infant.
Difficulty of use: Swaddling can be a difficult skill that not every mom or dad will learn quickly.
Restriction of movement: Even loose swaddling prevents the baby from moving freely, while clothing allows the baby to develop freely.
Eco-friendly: Washing baby clothes uses less water and detergent, and takes up less space when drying.
Modern doctors and pediatricians, despite ancient traditions, recommend abandoning swaddling and allowing the infant freedom of movement. It is important to take information from experts into consideration to make the best choice for your baby's health and comfort.
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