05 сен, 08:48
3 tablespoons of cocoa butter
1 teaspoon apricot oil
1 teaspoon of vitamin E
2 teaspoons of beeswax
Method of preparation:
Homemade lotion to fight stretch marks is a great solution for those who want to keep their skin smooth and firm. This simple and effective recipe allows you not only to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also to fight with the existing ones.
Cocoa butter is a key ingredient that is rich in natural antioxidants that helps moisturize the skin and promotes skin elasticity. It also helps in fighting wrinkles and gives your skin a healthy glow.
Apricot oil is another important ingredient. It is rich in vitamins A and E, which help in repairing the skin and improving its texture. Apricot oil also helps to soften and moisturize the skin.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from environmental damage and helps in skin regeneration.
Beeswax - serves as a binding component that gives the lotion the desired texture and ensures its easy application to the skin.
Preparation method:
To prepare the lotion, combine all the ingredients and place them in a glass or stainless steel container. Then, set the container on a water bath and gently melt the ingredients, stirring them to form a uniform mass.
Pour the resulting lotion into a clean container with a lid. It is best to use glass jars or bottles, as they preserve the properties of the ingredients.
This lotion can be used as a prevention of stretch marks by applying it to the areas of the skin where they may appear. It can also be used to combat existing stretch marks by applying it regularly to the appropriate areas of the body.
For maximum effect, the lotion is best used after a shower or bath, when the skin is best prepared to absorb nutrients. Massage the lotion onto the skin until it is fully absorbed.
Anti-stretch mark body lotion is a simple and affordable remedy that helps keep your skin firm and healthy. Regular use of this lotion can significantly improve the condition of your skin and help in fighting stretch marks. This recipe provides an opportunity to take care of your skin at home, providing it with the necessary moisturization and nourishment.
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