04 сен, 15:28
Many parents notice that when their children watch TV while eating, it can help them to sit still and finish their meal in peace. Even so, allowing them to watch TV during meals is not recommended. Let's understand why this can be harmful.
The first thing to consider is that when a child watches TV while eating, his attention is completely absorbed by the screen. This can cause him to stop listening to his inner feelings of hunger and satiety. As a result, the child may eat more than they really need, as they are unable to recognize exactly when they are full.
In addition, watching TV while eating is often associated with food that is not always healthy. Kids watching cartoons or shows may be prone to eating more sweets, chips, and other junk foods. This can lead to gaining excess weight and developing bad eating habits.
There is also a risk that a child who is used to eating in front of the TV will continue to do so as an adult. This can create long-term problems with eating behavior and contribute to overeating.
If a child refuses to eat, it is better to use other methods to stimulate appetite, such as playing outside or creating a pleasant environment at the table. It is important not to use violence or force a child to eat, as this can cause negative consequences and negative attitudes towards food.
So, while watching TV while eating can help to sit still, it is not recommended because of the potential negative effects on a child's eating behavior. It is better to teach him or her proper eating habits from a young age.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/554327.html
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