03 сен, 08:48
The secret of slimness and harmony is often associated with diets and workouts, but there are "golden" rules that can help you avoid gaining extra pounds and create a harmonious atmosphere throughout the day. Let's take a look at five simple tips that can make eating more mindful and effective.
Create a Positive Environment
Wise Japanese women teach that pleasant surroundings and a good mood affect appetite. They are famous for their slim figures, and part of this success can be attributed to their approach. Decorate your kitchen with small pleasing details, choose colors that inspire you, and create an atmosphere that encourages a positive eating experience.
Pay Attention to Food
Don't get distracted while eating, as talking on the phone or watching TV can make the eating process longer. Give the meal 20 minutes of your time, fully immerse yourself in the experience of eating. Over time, you will notice that you will need less food to feel satisfied.
Give up Snacking
Snacking should be eliminated from your diet. If you feel like snacking between main meals, choose healthy options such as juice, yogurt, or fruit. This will help satisfy hunger without adding extra calories.
Use Blue Utensils
Scientists have proven that the color of your cookware can affect your appetite. Light blue dishes are considered to be the most suitable for dieting. Blue color makes dishes visually bulkier and more contrasting, which promotes quick satiety and reduces the desire to eat more.
Watch Portions
Choose small plates for meals. Even a small portion spread out on a small dish may appear full to your body. This is a psychological technique that helps you reduce the amount of food you consume.
Following these simple but effective rules can help you control your appetite, avoid overeating and maintain a harmonious lifestyle. Don't forget that a balanced and conscious diet is important for your health and well-being.
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