02 сен, 08:48
Hair is one of the main riches of female beauty, but sometimes they can bring troubles, becoming brittle and dull. To understand this problem, let's look at the main causes of hair brittleness and ways to combat it.
Metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance
Overexposure, changes in metabolism or hormonal imbalances can take a toll on your hair. If your hair is breaking almost at the scalp, it may be due to improper grooming practices. Rough combs, frequent permanent perms, hot blow dryers and harsh alkaline shampoos can damage your hair and make it brittle and weak.
Avitaminosis and unbalanced nutrition
Not having enough vitamins and minerals in your body can also lead to brittle hair. If your hair begins to break at a distance of 3-5 cm from the scalp and hair becomes thin, it may be due to a lack of vitamin A. It is also not uncommon for such problems to occur against the background of neuro-endocrine diseases, when the imbalance of hormones negatively affects the condition of hair.
Use of drying agents and thermal tools
If your hair is brittle on the entire length, and especially the ends suffer, it is worth paying attention to the applied cosmetics and care procedures. Frequent use of blow dryers, irons and other heat tools, as well as poor quality cosmetics, can make hair dry and brittle.
How to deal with brittle hair?
Eliminate external irritants and try to avoid aggressive styling methods.
Choose cosmetics that match the needs of your hair. It may be worth paying attention to professional ranges.
Introduce into your diet products rich in vitamin A and other essential elements. If necessary, consult your doctor about taking vitamin complexes.
Try to limit the use of heat tools, and when using them, be sure to use products to protect your hair from heat.
Take regular care of your hair, including masks, balms and other moisturizers.
If you have significant hair condition issues, it is best to entrust them to experienced professionals such as stylists and trichologists.
Take care of your hair with love and attention, and it will delight you with its beauty and health!
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/554233.html
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