21 авг, 15:28
Perfectly smooth and even skin is the desire of many, but the reality is often different. The condition of the skin can require special attention, and an imbalance of vitamins and micronutrients can show up on the skin. Even if your skin appears healthy, it is not immune to the appearance of various neoplasms, among which the most common are moles, warts and papillomas.
Papillomas can be found in various places, such as on the face (most often around the eyes), neck, chest, armpits and genital area. Their irregular structure, often in the shape of a "whisker" and color ranging from white to dark brown, makes them distinguishable from other growths.
Papillomas are caused by a virus known as papillomovirus infection. In addition to cosmetic discomfort, papillomas can cause concern because of their ability to turn into cancerous tumors. Although the likelihood of this event happening is relatively low, consultation with a physician is recommended to ensure safe papilloma removal.
There are several methods of removing these benign tumors. The following methods are considered the most effective: cryodestruction (removal with liquid nitrogen), laser therapy, and electrocoagulation. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. Some can be more painful, while others can leave scarring. Nevertheless, these procedures provide effective results and often get rid of the papilloma after the first session, preventing their reappearance.
It is important to remember that papilloma removal should be performed under the supervision of a professional. A professional evaluation and the right method will help you keep your skin healthy and smooth.
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