Natural hair volume: an amazing hair mask

16 авг, 08:48

Many women and girls dream of hair with great volume. But not all of us are blessed with such strands, and commercial products only temporarily give volume, causing damage to the hair. Fortunately, there is a cosmetic mask that can give natural volume to the hair, and most importantly - safe and even useful!

The unique composition of the mask for hair volume

1 tablespoon (200 g) of sea salt
1 tablespoon (200 ml) of liquid honey
1 tablespoon (200 ml) of cognac (rum or vodka)
The listed ingredients should be carefully mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the mass is poured into a suitable jar and carefully close the lid. The mask is recommended to insist for two weeks in a cool and dark place. The resulting mixture can be used as a regular mask, and as an alternative shampoo.

Procedure for using the mask

Before applying the mask, you should comb your hair well, removing the residue of styling products. Then apply the mask to the hair, carefully wrap it with a film and cover it with a warm terry towel.

The mixture should be kept on the hair from 20 minutes to 1 hour. After the time has passed, rinse the mask with plenty of warm running water.

Recommendations for use

It is recommended to use this mask 2 times a week for a month, instead of washing your hair normally.


Miracle mask for hair volume can become your reliable ally in the fight for a luxurious hairstyle. The simplicity of the ingredients and safety of use make it an excellent alternative to aggressive means, and the results in the form of increased volume justify all expectations.

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