11 авг, 18:00
Ukraine has provided the United States with a detailed report on the use of American cluster munitions in the context of the confrontation with Russia. This was reported by CNN, citing a Ukrainian official in its report.
The official provided updated data on the number of cluster munitions fired, and also reported on the successful destruction of Russian targets as a result of their use.
According to the response, the report was sent to the Pentagon in response to a US request that arose in connection with the shipment of artillery cluster munitions to Ukraine, designated by the acronym DPICM.
It is important to note that there is no formal Convention between the United States, Russia, and Ukraine that would regulate cluster munitions. This Convention aims to prohibit the production and use of this type of weapon and has more than a hundred participants from around the world.
This event provokes lively discussions, as the use of cluster munitions acquires an additional important context in the light of geopolitical changes and the acute situation in eastern Ukraine.
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