10 авг, 08:48
The relationship between weight and psychology
Is the psychological aspect important when discussing overweight? Obviously, yes. The connection between overeating, overweight and the psychological states of a person has not gone unnoticed for a long time. The senses and the psyche can be unexpectedly linked.
This connection of the senses is understandable on a physiological level. If one of the senses stops functioning, the other organs begin to work more intensely, compensating for the missing information.
The same is true for basic human needs. Unsatisfaction of one need can lead to increased satisfaction of another need.
Psychological needs include sex and love, food, security, and stability. One unmet need is often compensated for by increased attention to another.
The relationship between sex and love is complex because of external factors. However, food can be a "comfort" in stressful situations. Often we subconsciously seek to experience calmness and comfort, as we did as children when we were comforted at the breast.
Have we become victims of our psychology in stressful moments? Food addiction can be a way to "drown" negative emotions and surface memories of childhood, when food was an expression of care and love.
Being overweight thus becomes a temporary relief. But this satisfaction is short-lived.
Perhaps it's time to take a second look at ourselves and realize that we can stop compensating for our shortcomings with food. This is especially true for women who want to be attractive and confident.
Self-esteem and confidence play an important role in our lives. Being overweight can have a negative impact on this. Women who feel insecure because of extra pounds often worry that they have lost their attractiveness.
Support from others depends on your attitude towards yourself. If you don't like yourself, it's hard to expect others to do so. Self-esteem and mood have a big impact on our interactions with others.
Therefore, it is worth thinking about the fact that being overweight is not a solution to problems, but only a temporary relief. It is important to find healthier and more effective ways to manage stress and negative emotions.
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