17 èþë, 09:20
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the draft law No. 7354, which is a transfer, a zocrema, allowed one to independently prepare for a theoretical water test. Speaker of the Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk spoke about 13 limes.
As the People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak clarified, the final document received 271 votes in favor.
Concluding the text of the bill, the parliamentarians supported the introduction of amendments to the law of Ukraine "On road traffic". Let's talk about what you, who want to take a water lesson, choose: learn the theoretical part in a driving school independently.
In addition, the document transmitting the establishment of an administrative duty for planting issues for disruption of the order:
training, retraining and promotion of qualifications of water;
state accreditation of driving schools;
to the recipient of the drink for the withdrawal of the right to guard the transport facilities, or to see the conscience of the water.
The law will come into force 90 days after the day of its publication (before this date, the president may still sign).
Earlier, some innovations were announced, as if there was a need to take away water rights in Ukraine. Igor Klymenko, Minister of Internal Affairs, spoke about the government’s plans to change the number of service centers and minimize corruption and start the water supply system.
Zocrema, vin designing, scho class for theoretical ³sp³t³v posladnayut cameras, yak³ nemozhlyavljat ³snuvannya blind zones. In addition, the identification of the appearance of the skin of a person is transmitted, as if they would come to lay down and sleep.
Also, the minister said that people with disabilities need to be vigilant about mobile service centers.
Mykola Rudik, head of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, has revealed with his own words that until the end of 2023, the fate may be carried out:
an appointment for a practical test online (just like a coupon for a theoretical test can be taken remotely, just like an online appointment for a practical test is available within the pilot project only in Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa regions and in Kyiv);
disqualification of the results of the trial for a period of 30 days for the replacement of three;
expanded fixation of drinking habits (in the classrooms for the task of theory, it was planned to install safety cameras on the chotiri, as a way to secure the overshoot and additionally fix the sound in the recipient, and in category B automatics for practical drinking - two receptionists each, a camera with a 360° look around the cabin ).
Àäðåñ íîâîñòè: http://e-news.com.ua/show/551561.html
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