14 июл, 17:30
Prices for spare goods (index CPI) in the United States grew by 3% in the same month of the past year, the Ministry of Labor of Ukraine said in the middle. This indicator should be noted about the same rate of inflation in the same period of January, if it became 4%, and became the lowest in the month of 2021. About tse povidomlyaє see the Financial Times.
Significantly, analysts estimated inflation at a rate of 3.1%.
Prices for energy in red rose by 16.7% after a decrease of 11.7% in grass, while prices for grubs increased by 5.7% in red after an increase of 6.7% a month earlier.
In pigs, in the preceding month, the CPI index in blacks increased by 0.2% (in grasses, the indicator became 0.1%). Analysts passed the increase by 0.3%.
At the same time, the growth of calm prices without amelioration of the food and energy supply reached the minimum indicator for the new year of 2021 - 4.8% for the river, after a rise of 5.3% for grass. Varto indicate that the increase was estimated at 5%. At the monthly end, the indicator increased by 0.2% after an increase of 0.4% in the previous month, analysts predicted an increase of 0.3%.
For the data of Reuters, the increase in the rate of inflation is considered insufficient, so the US Federal Reserve System (FRS) will probably turn around to raise the key interest rate at the upcoming meeting.
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