06 июл, 13:00
During the year since the termination of preferential customs clearance of cars, the state budget of Ukraine received UAH 35.32 billion. This information was announced by the First Deputy Chairman of the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Yaroslav Zheleznyak.
During the period from July 1, 2022, to July 1 of this year, 255,798 vehicles were imported to Ukraine with customs clearance.
The proceeds from the import of these vehicles amounted to UAH 35.32 billion. This indicates a significant increase in the budget revenues from taxation of automobile imports after the abolition of the preferential customs clearance regime.
The decision to terminate the preferential customs clearance of cars was made to ensure fairer conditions for importers and to stimulate the development of the domestic automotive market. Under previous conditions, certain categories of vehicles had advantages in customs clearance, which led to a decrease in state budget revenues.
Now, car importers pay customs duties according to the general rates, which has led to an increase in budget revenues by over UAH 35 billion.
The significant amount of budget revenues generated by the customs clearance of cars will contribute to the implementation of various infrastructure and social projects, improvement of road infrastructure, development of the transport system and other areas.
This amount also emphasizes the important role of taxation of the automotive sector in ensuring budget revenues and economic growth. At the same time, the high level of car imports also indicates an increase in consumer demand in Ukraine and a rise in living standards.
Budget revenues from car customs clearance have significant potential for further use in the country's development, investment promotion, and support of social programs. This will help ensure stable state revenues and improve the living standards of citizens.
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