21 июн, 23:12
▪ EBRD: The EBRD is providing USD 30 M to one of Ukraine's leading agroholdings, Astarta to help the company overcome the adverse conditions caused by the war and ensure more sustainable operations. The package consists of a USD 21 M credit from the EBRD and USD 9 M from the Clean Technology Fund (CTF). The CTF committed to investing EUR 3 B in the country in 2022-23 after the start of the war. Astarta plans to use the financing for the modernization and increased energy efficiency of its existing production facilities, the implementation of climate-smart agricultural practices to enhance business resilience, reducing production and energy costs while increasing productivity and operational efficiency, and ensuring sufficient working capital to support its pre-war level of activity.
▪ Forbes Ukraine: Business inspections and fines for enterprises in Ukraine will resume from August 1, not from July 1, as previously planned.
▪ DGF: Since the summer of 2022, after the resumption of electronic auctions, which were suspended due to the closure of the state registers by the state at the beginning of the war, the DGF received >UAH 3.7 B in proceeds from the sale of assets of the banks in liquidation.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/550234.html
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