21 июн, 23:07
▪ WB: On June 14, Iceland, Latvia and the Netherlands made new grant contributions in the amount of EUR 65 M to the World Bank's special fund to support Ukraine.
▪ EC: The European Commission and the European Investment Bank have agreed to provide an EU guarantee that will allow the EIB to provide Ukraine with a new EUR 100 M loan for rapid recovery.
▪ Sense Bank: On June 13, Sense Bank (formerly, Alfa Bank) had fully repaid the balance of a collateral refinancing loan obtained from the National Bank of Ukraine ahead of schedule. The last tranche of UAH 2.5 B marked the completion of the loan payments. Sense Bank originally received the collateral refinancing loan in December 2020 for a total of UAH 4.5 B for 5 years. In Q1 2023, the bank reported a profit of UAH 1.194 B. With 132 branches across Ukraine, Sense Bank serves >3 million individuals, 55,000 legal entities, and 82,000 private entrepreneurs.
▪ NBU: LLC "Consumer Center," operating under the brand "Shvydko Groshi," was fined UAH 2.3 M by the NBU on June 12, 2023. The fine was a result of violations discovered during an unscheduled inspection conducted by the NBU's Inspection Department between March and May 2023. The violations included non-compliance with legislation regulating financial services and consumer rights protection, including ethical behavior requirements.
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