30 мар, 13:00
Criminals and Combat Army Reserve - hidden mobilization continues in Russia
On April 1, mobilization under the CARC-2021 program (Combat Army Reserve of the Country) will begin on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. To conceal the events of mass mobilization, it will be carried out simultaneously with the scheduled conscription for compulsory military service. This will be a cover for the large number of mobilized people arriving at the military registration and enlistment offices.
These reservists will be further sent to reinforce the occupation troops in the areas of combat operations in Ukraine.
At the same time, the CARC program conceals the involvement of Russian prisoners in hostilities. In particular, about 100 criminals held in the Chernokozovo colony (Chechen Republic) are already being prepared to be sent to Ukraine. All of them are convicted under serious criminal articles (robbery, murder, drug distribution). Convicts who received sentences under political articles (extremism, terrorism) are not offered such agreements.
Those who agreed are promised a full amnesty if they return alive after participating in combat operations. It is noteworthy that such mobilized men are not allowed to see their relatives or inform them in general about their participation in the war in Ukraine.
""CARC"" is a program of urgent formation of army reserves of the Russian Army. Those who signed contracts under the program are paid permanently (even while in the reserve) and retain their jobs and average earnings. During the year, reservists can be called up for a meeting (up to 1 month), where they can be involved in training and other assignments. Monthly payment under the contract is 12% of the military salary (depending on the rank and position). The total number of those who signed CARC contracts is about 100 thousand.
Source: https://t.me/DIUkraine/212
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