At the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Northern Ukraine), partial rotation of the staff and evacuation of the people that had been staying on the occupied territory was completed
22 мар, 13:00
At the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Northern Ukraine), partial rotation of the staff and evacuation of the people that had been staying on the occupied territory was completed. According to Energoatom, 64 people were evacuated today, among them - 50 members of the staff, 9 members of the National Guard, 1 SESU (State Emergency Service of Ukraine) employee and 4 ‘stalkers’.
To replace the evacuated staff of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, 46 qualified workers volunteered to perform their duties and maintain the plant’s functioning.
The evacuated staff were in the workplace for 600 hours, heroically performing their professional duties and maintaining the proper level of safety.
Source: Energoatom https://t.me/energoatom_ua/3597
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