A sweet and savory diet for good health

04 май, 15:28

For many women, following a diet becomes a challenge because of restrictions on sweets. However, there is good news: a sweet diet can help you lose weight without depriving you of the pleasure of sweets. Of course, this does not mean that you can eat your favorite sweets in unlimited quantities, but there are a number of sweet foods that can be included in the diet: honey, jams, fruits, dried fruits, chocolate (in moderation).

One of the common variants of the sweet diet is designed for three days. During this time, a low-calorie sweet diet will help to lose two to three kilograms. Consider the menu of this diet:

Day one

Breakfast: green tea with honey and a slice of lemon, fruit salad with rosehip syrup.
Lunch: two sandwiches of rye bread with low-fat cheese, tea with fruit jam or honey.
Dinner: chicken broth, fruit and dried fruit salad.
Second day

Breakfast: green tea with honey and a slice of lemon, quail eggs with sugar.
Lunch: sour cream vegetable salad, fruit ice cream.
Dinner: boiled vegetables, rye bread, dates, kefir.
Third day

Breakfast: green tea with honey and a slice of lemon, oatmeal porridge with honey and raisins.
Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese with jam, apple.
Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable salad, milkshake with jam.
Another sweet diet is developed by American nutritionists Heller. For two weeks on such a diet, you can lose 5-7 kilograms. However, it should be remembered that the diet can be followed for no more than 14 days.

When following this diet, it is necessary to adhere to three full meals a day, without snacks. Consider the sample menu:

Breakfast: any food.
Lunch: vegetable soup, chicken breast, yogurt.
Dinner: fruit salad, kefir.
It should be noted that the sweet diet has its risks. It can disrupt metabolism due to the high content of carbohydrates, which can lead to a return of lost weight. In addition, foods high in sugar can worsen the condition of the skin.

Before starting any diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/565369.html

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