Learning to count: playful methods for toddlers

02 май, 15:28

When to start teaching a child oral counting? Opinions on this matter vary, but from the age of two, when speech is actively developing, you can start learning. The main thing is to interest the baby. Perhaps you will encounter resistance and reluctance of the child to learn, but do not despair. There are many methods that will make the process fun for your baby.

It is important to remain patient and assess your own strength. If you notice that you can not engage without nervous tension more than five to ten minutes, limit this time. The child feels your irritation, which can cause aversion to learning.

The main helper is a visual material. It can be fruits, brightly colored objects such as buttons or sticks. Choose one that your toddler has fun with and use it for learning.

Start with one and come up with associations for the numbers 1 through 9. This will help children memorize numbers more easily and make learning more fun. Use everyday situations to practice - count windows in a room or candy on a table.

Make learning fun. Count while playing or drawing, combine counting with movement games. Babies love to repeat movements, and this will help them memorize numbers.

Don't forget to reward your child for counting success. Positive reinforcement creates a positive mood for learning and shows your child that their efforts are important and appreciated.

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