Changes in the conditions of admission to the master's degree for students with TOT: replacement of the EVI with an interview in a foreign language

29 апр, 14:00

Plans to replace the Unified Entrance Examination (UEI) with a foreign language interview in a remote format were announced during a meeting of the Coordination Staff on De-occupied Territories. This initiative was presented by a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. According to this decision, it became impossible to conduct the EVI for students from the temporarily occupied territories in a remote format.

The Ukrainian Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education confirmed that it is impossible to organize proper identification of participants and ensure compliance with the principles of academic integrity with this format of entrance exams.

Considering these circumstances, the MES is considering the possibility of replacing the EVI with an interview in a foreign language, which higher education institutions will conduct remotely. This involves a return to the norms that were in effect last year.

It is noted that this initiative applies to citizens who declare that they are in the temporarily occupied territories and in the current year are completing a bachelor's degree, or intend to enroll for a master's degree in a specialty that does not involve passing a single professional entrance test at the same educational institution.

Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk emphasized the importance of ensuring fair and affordable conditions for admission to master's degrees for students from the temporarily occupied territories, expressing gratitude for assistance in this matter.

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