Bright natural hair: secrets of natural color refreshment

28 апр, 15:28

If you are looking to preserve the natural beauty of your hair while adding brightness and shine to it, there are several simple and effective methods that will help you achieve the desired results. One such method is to use natural ingredients such as lemon, chamomile and sage.

For blonde hair, the ideal solution is to use lemon juice and chamomile tea. To do this, prepare a strong infusion of chamomile flowers and add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to it. This mixture can be used to rinse your hair every week to give it brightness and shine. You can also add concentrated chamomile tea to baby shampoo and use it to wash your hair daily.

For dark hair, sage is a great choice. To prepare a decoction, pour half a cup of sage leaves in two liters of boiling water, filter the decoction after cooling and use it to rinse your hair. This method can also be used once a week to maintain the brightness of the color of dark hair.

However, it is worth remembering that lemon juice can cause hair color change when exposed to sunlight, so it is important to avoid direct sun exposure after using it. Also, lemon juice should be used with caution, especially if your hair has already been colored or chemically treated.

It will take some time to get noticeable results from using sage decoction. You need to be patient and use this method regularly to achieve the desired effect. Preserve the natural beauty and health of your hair with the help of natural remedies!



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