Intimacy during menstruation: possible or not

14 сен, 08:48

Intimate relations during menstruation is a topic that causes different opinions and discussions. It used to be considered absolutely forbidden, but today many couples consider this possibility. However, is it worth risking health and safety? Let's look at this question from the point of view of a gynecologist.

Many men are attracted to the idea of sex during menstruation, it seems like something forbidden and exciting. In women, on the contrary, this time is often accompanied by discomfort and natural squeamishness. However, there is a positive moment - during these days the chance of getting pregnant is minimal, so the use of contraception is not always necessary.

Each couple decides for themselves whether intimacy during menstruation is suitable for them, but it is important to pay attention to the opinion of specialists. Gynecologist Mikilyuk Alla Valentynovna, who works in the clinic "Medisvit", warns against the risks:

"Sex during menstruation can be dangerous for two reasons. First, at this time, the inner surface of the uterus is an open wound surface, and menstrual blood is a favorable environment for bacterial growth. This increases the risk of inflammation that may not have occurred outside the menstrual period.

Second, sexual intercourse during this period can cause menstrual blood to pour into the fallopian tubes and even into the abdomen, which can cause inflammation and, subsequently, adhesions, endometriosis and even infertility.

If you still had to have sex during menstruation and after that there was pain or discomfort, do not delay a visit to the gynecologist. By getting appropriate treatment, including anti-inflammatory and, if necessary, hormonal treatment, you can prevent serious complications."

If your partner insists on having sex during your period, share this information with him or her. Let him or her understand that your decision is driven by health concerns. As an alternative, offer oral caresses - he probably won't reject the idea.

If you do decide to practice intimacy during menstruation, remember to use condoms and prefer positions with minimal penetration, such as the classic missionary position. Take care of your health and make informed decisions about intimate relationships.

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