How to recognize health problems in babies: symptoms and first aid

29 ноя, 08:48

Young children can not always express their pains in words, but parents can identify some diseases by paying attention to external signs. In this article, we will look at how to recognize health problems in babies and how to give them first aid.

Difficulty feeding and crying during it

When your toddler is struggling to eat but refuses the breast, twirls his head and has a fever, it could be a sign of otitis media. Ear pain can become especially acute when your baby tries to suckle. It is important to see a doctor immediately in this situation.

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes can indicate various problems in the baby's body, such as intoxication, allergic reactions, worms or inflammation. They can also indicate problems with digestion and kidney function. If you notice these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible.


If your child's nosebleed is not due to a fall or a blow, it may be a sign of weak capillaries in the nose. Try to stop the blood without tilting your baby's head back (there is a danger of choking), and then use a cotton swab with 3% hydrogen peroxide. If nosebleeds occur frequently, see a doctor for blood clotting tests.

Drawing on the tongue

If your child's tongue has whitish lines, it could be an allergic reaction to certain foods. Try to identify which product is causing this reaction and eliminate it from your infant's diet. Do not forget to consult your doctor.

Cracks and sores in the lip area

Wounds and cracks in the corners of the lips can occur because the child drags various objects into the mouth, on which germs can accumulate, or because of licking fingers and biting nails. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the baby's hands and make sure that he does not take toys in his mouth. In addition, such wounds may be caused by an infection, fungus or indicate a vitamin deficiency.

Red swollen eyes

Redness and swelling of a child's eyelids may indicate barley, a pus formation resulting from an infection in the hair sac on the eye. It is important to see a doctor to avoid serious complications. Barley can also be a sign of internal health problems.

Knowing the outward signs of health problems in babies can help you provide emergency care. However, it is always important to contact your doctor or pediatric clinic for further counseling and testing.

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