New perspectives for veterans: benefits and employment opportunities

03 май, 09:30

After returning to civilian life, war veterans often face a number of challenges, including finding work. However, benefits and guarantees of social protection for this category of citizens are legislated in Ukraine. The Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection" establishes a list of benefits granted to veterans upon employment.

The Ukrainian Veterans' Fund informs about existing benefits in the field of employment and employment for veterans. Including:

Payment of temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100% of the average salary, regardless of length of service.
Payment of benefits for temporary incapacity for work to persons with disabilities for up to 4 months in a row or up to 5 months during a calendar year, as well as benefits for state social insurance for the entire period of stay in the sanatorium.
The right to use the next annual leave at a convenient time, as well as to receive additional leave with salary retention.
Preferential right to stay at work in case of reduction of employees.
Temporary employment in a specialty in accordance with training and medical and social expertise.
In addition, veterans have the opportunity to use vouchers to maintain competitiveness in the labor market. These vouchers provide an opportunity to undergo retraining in various professions, receive special education or improve qualifications at relevant educational institutions or employers.

Acting Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund, Ruslana Velychko-Trifonyuk, emphasizes the importance of employment for veterans and emphasizes that many of them face difficulties in finding work due to a number of circumstances, such as injuries, a long period of absence from the labor market, etc.

"Injury during service, a long period of distance from professional activities and the conviction of veterans that their military experience is not important for a civilian career and is not valued by employers are serious obstacles to their successful employment," says Ruslana Velychko- Tryfonyuk.

In this regard, providing benefits and support in the employment of veterans is an important task for the state and society in general. Providing adequate opportunities for their professional development and successful reintegration into society is not only a moral, but also a practical step towards supporting veterans and ensuring the country's stability and prosperity.

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