Why it is very healthy to eat a banana

14 сен, 15:28

Bananas have long been an integral part of our diet, and sometimes we forget how beneficial they are for our health. This overseas fruit has amazing properties and can improve many aspects of our lives. Let's take a look at ten reasons why you should include bananas in your diet.

Boost sex drive: Bananas are a great aphrodisiac thanks to their potassium, vitamin A and natural sugar content. You can prepare an arousing dish by adding curry, oil and walnuts to bananas.

Losing weight: Bananas can help in the weight loss process as they are rich in pectin, which helps in retaining fluid in the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety. It is best to consume bananas for breakfast.

Gain weight: On the other hand, bananas can be beneficial for weight gain as well. If consumed with milk, it can help you gain weight quickly as milk provides the necessary proteins and bananas provide the sugars.

Getting rid of constipation: Bananas contain fiber, which helps in smooth bowel emptying and can help in treating constipation and other intestinal disorders.

Mood Enhancement: Bananas contain tryptophan, which promotes mental relaxation and emotional well-being. They can help during times of emotional meltdown and depression.

Help with stomach problems: Bananas help reduce gastric juice levels and form a protective coating on the stomach walls, which is good for ulcers and heartburn.

Help with painful periods: The vitamin B6 found in bananas promotes women's health and can help with painful periods.

Brain activity: Bananas stimulate brain activity and relieve anxiety, which can be beneficial for students and school children.

Hangover Relief: A cocktail of bananas, yogurt (or kefir) and honey can help deal with the unpleasant effects of alcoholic excess and restore blood sugar levels.

Blood Pressure Control: Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, which helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart function in the body.

Thus, bananas are not only a delicious fruit, but also a veritable treasure trove of benefits for our health and well-being. Be sure to add them to your diet and enjoy all the benefits they have to offer.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/554842.html

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