Production of 155-mm shells: The US supports Ukraine in the war

14 авг, 11:30

Amid the ongoing war in Ukraine, the United States plans to increase production of 155 mm shells to more than 80,000 per month in 2024. This decisive action is due to the acute need for such ammunition that has arisen since the beginning of the Russian Federation's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This was announced on August 10 by Pentagon spokesman General Patrick Ryder, according to Ukrinform.

"Since the beginning of hostilities in 2022, we have supplied Ukraine with more than 2 million 155 mm caliber shells. In addition, we have made a rapid increase in the production of 155 mm ammunition - from 14 thousand per month in February 2022 to about 24 thousand per month now. Our goal is to reach more than 80,000 per month next year," he said.

According to Ryder, such ammunition is consumed quickly, and its reserves are not infinite. Therefore, in addition to large-scale production, the United States is also establishing partnerships with allies and partners to support Ukraine.

It is important to note that the Ukrainian army actively uses 155 mm ammunition in its operations. The supply of a significant amount of such ammunition from the United States will help to ensure military operations and support Ukraine's defense capabilities during this complex military confrontation.

The situation in eastern Ukraine remains dynamic and tense, and the U.S. provision of large quantities of ammunition is an important expression of support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people in this difficult time.

This decision demonstrates a deep understanding of the threat posed by Russian aggression and a willingness to support Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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